Review government contract security regulations and gain tips to help through common compliance scenarios.
Most companies of any size sell products and services to the federal government directly or indirectly through the supply chain. The federal government is increasingly placing cybersecurity compliance and cyber incident notification requirements on these companies. While many companies think they are immune from these existing and forthcoming requirements, the opposite is true the federal governments position is that they apply broadly.
This program will explore the current cybersecurity requirements and how they apply to various companies depending on what they sell and who they sell it to (products or serviceswhich agencyas a subcontractor or supplier). We will also review forthcoming requirements and how they will change the cybersecurity compliance landscape. We will not just review the regulations, but also provide practical pointers and tips to help companies through common compliance scenarios.
Date: 2024-07-09 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to explain federal cybersecurity compliance regulations and the impact on companies selling products and services directly or indirectly to the federal government.
* You will be able to identify key cybersecurity threats and regulations.
* You will be able to review forthcoming requirements and how they will change the cybersecurity compliance landscape.
* You will be able to discuss practical pointers and tips to help companies through common compliance scenarios