Groundwater Control and Dewatering Methods (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 409147EAU


Understand the basics of dewatering design, potential pitfalls relating to dewatering, and several options for how to specify dewatering systems.Groundwater control on construction projects is often misunderstood. The techniques involved in dewatering are generally not taught at the undergraduate level in civil engineering programs and the entire process is often relegated to ‘Contractor Means and Methods’ without consideration of important details. This presentation will give attendees the basics regarding advantages and disadvantages of common dewatering techniques and an understanding of the information dewatering designers consider when designing a system.

Date: 2024-07-12 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

• Presenter Introduction
• Course Objectives

Dewatering Techniques
• Deep Wells
• Wellpoints
• Eductors

Dewatering Design
• Equivalent Well Method
• Superposition
• Important Design Parameters

Dewatering Pitfalls
• Consolidation
• Contaminated Groundwater

Dewatering Specifications
• Performance Specification
• Minimum System/Owner Designed
• Geotechnical Baseline Report

ENG ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Greg Landry, P.E.-Keller North America