Gain a better understanding of the ongoing obligations addressing disability accommodations within the workplace.Many frontline managers lack sufficient training to recognize workplace disability issues. With an aging workforce and more conditions considered disabilities by agencies like the EEOC and under state and local law, discrimination, hostile work environment, retaliation, and failure to accommodate claims are on the rise. This lively and fast paced webinar helps decisionmakers and frontline managers and supervisors recognize and address potential disability issues before problems arise. You will learn about how disabilities are defined, essential business records to protect the company, and how to successfully engage in the ADA Interactive Process to reduce exposure. You will also learn about other hot topics like pregnancy accommodation, workers’ compensation and other return to work issues, and service and support animals in the workplace. Understanding disability laws and accommodation requirements can prevent and minimize substantial individual and class action exposures, agency scrutiny and audits, and public relations nightmares.
Date: 2019-07-12 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives