Understand the laws and regulations that apply to transportation and infrastructure projects and how to best manage the permitting process.The environmental reviews mandated by NEPA, Section 106, and Section 4(f) are complex and can lead to project delay if not managed properly. A U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) report found that the average completion time for an EIS in 2012 was 4.6 years from the notice of intent to prepare an EIS through the issuance of the record of decision. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration reported that EISs took an average of 6.6 years to complete for fiscal year 2011. Recognizing that important transportation and other infrastructure projects were facing undue delays in permitting, Congress and the White House have been focused on the need for streamlining the permitting process for several years. This program will help break down the complex overlay of laws and regulations that apply to transportation and infrastructure projects. This program will help project managers and consultants understand the latest developments for streamlining complex project reviews, and how to work with federal agencies to best manage the permitting process under NEPA, Section 106, and Section 4(f).
Date: 2020-02-12 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives