Understand the different types of expense reimbursement fraud and how you can build a strong prevention and detection program.Many organizations spend their time and energy focused on external fraud. But what about the threat from within? According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), organizations across the globe lose 5 of annual revenue to internal or occupational fraud. This percentage has likely increased as a result of the global pandemic, which resulted in disruption to normal operations and shifted the way we work. In this topic, we will be diving into expense reimbursement fraud. Expense reimbursement fraud is not a new problem it is an ongoing threat to organizations of all shapes and sizes. This topic will cover the types of expense reimbursement fraud and discuss how you can build a strong prevention and detection program to drive down risk and enhance your antifraud culture along the way.
Date: 2021-12-13 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives