Gain an understanding of how defense costs are allocated and reimbursed under various types of insurance policies.This topic will provide an overview of insurance coverage for defense of thirdparty claims and suits, focusing on how defense cost coverage is allocated, and defense costs reimbursed under different types of insurance policies, among insurers, and between insurers and insureds. Areas addressed will include critical components of the duty to defend, key principles of defense coverage provided under duty to defend, defense cost advancement, and defense cost reimbursement types of policies, the methodology used in allocating defense costs between and among different insurers, different types of coverages, and insureds, and circumstances in which insurers may claw back defense payments previously made to insureds. The topic will be beneficial to coverage counsel for insurers and insureds, defense counsel involved in representing insureds in defense coverage situations, and risk management and insurance professionals.
Date: 2024-07-30 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives