Avoid errors that cost you money or your reputation by understanding the factors that lead to floor covering failure and how to prevent them. Moisture passing from or through concrete floor slabs is responsible for millions of dollars lost to floor covering and coating system failures every year. Responsible parties often share the cost of failures, which are typically far greater than the initial cost of floor system installation. Cost is often measured in the dollars required to remedy a failure, but it can also be a cost to reputation and the loss of future work. Understanding the factors that lead to failure and acting on them is the most effective means of prevention. The topics presented in this seminar will offer an understanding of the factors that affect concrete moisture emission. With an increased awareness of these factors, the attendee will be better prepared to prevent failures through a more thorough understanding of concrete floor slab system components. Moisture related floor covering system failures are preventable and should never occur. The information presented will beneficially assist the attendee to become part of the cure and prevention of failure, rather than a defendant in litigation.
Date: 2024-08-07 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives