Make sure you are in compliance with the Federal Trade Commission requirements on ‘Made in USA’ labeling and avoid costly litigation.For a variety of reasons, the past two decades have seen an increase in businesses advertising that their products are ‘Made in the USA.’ While such advertising can be effective, for the unwary, it can be dangerous. Indeed, the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the governmental agency that primarily regulates such claims, has brought a variety of actions against companies for deceptively or misleadingly advertising that their products are ‘Made in the USA.’ Such claims can also frequently lead to private class action litigation, requiring businesses to fight a twofront war. Thankfully, the FTC has also developed a series of guidelines for businesses to follow if they want to make a claim that their products are ‘Made in the USA.’ If your company or your clients are making such claims, this topic will help you learn the rules to avoid costly and expensive investigations and litigation.
Date: 2021-04-27 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives