Gain a better understanding of how to substantially reduce IRS tax penalties.There are dozens of different penalties the IRS can assert against taxpayers. The defenses to such penalties are just as varied and often illdefined in current guidance. Practitioners are often unaware of exactly how and when to challenge various IRS penalties. This topic will help tax practitioners understand the mechanics of various penalties and how best to defend taxpayers against IRS penalties. The material explains what defenses are applicable to certain penalties, how and when to assert such defenses, and methods for negotiating a reduction in penalties at various procedural stages. IRS penalty reductionabatement has been decreasing steadily for the past decade practitioners must therefore execute defenses to IRS penalties with precision to be successful. This material is critical for practitioners who represent taxpayers at all stages of tax controversy, from the initial examination stages all the way through final adjudication.
Date: 2024-09-23 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives