The Perils of E-Commerce – When an Email Creates a Contract (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 406231EAU


Can you create a binding contract through email or social media messaging? Learn how to avoid potential pitfalls when communicating about contracts through email and other electronic means.Email and other forms of electronic communication (like texting and Facebook messaging) are ubiquitous in modern business. At all levels of an organization, representatives use email to discuss potential business arrangements with counterparties at other companies. But there is a danger what if one of the parties believes that a binding and enforceable agreement has been created? Is that possible? Under the federal ESIGN Act and recent precedent, it is. This material is designed to educate representatives doing business via electronic means about the legal requirements to form and enforce an agreement made only through electronic communication. It will also provide helpful information to navigate situations in the event a party to an agreement created through electronic communication is unhappy with the agreement’s existence or terms.

Date: 2019-09-24 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives

Forming a Binding Agreement Through Email
• What Recent Case Law Says About Electronic Contract Formation
• What Is Required to Form a Contract Using Electronic Communication

What Happens If Parties Form an Agreement
• What Are the Terms of an Agreement Done Through Email
• How Parties Can Navigate the Waters of an Unanticipated Agreement

Anticipating Litigation
• Strategies in Dealing With an Agreement That One Side Doesn’t Want
• Possible Litigation Outcomes

No Credit Available

Zach R. Fort-Kercsmar & Feltus PLLC, Geoffrey S. Kercsmar – Kercsmar & Feltus PLLC