Learn to utilize Excel to effectively manage and control inventory.Organizations today are still challenged to manage and control their inventories. This impacts ontime customer deliveries, expedited purchases, longer workinprocess cycles, higher downtime, and wasted time and effort. The impact of misplaced, lost, and incorrect inventory due to the lack of the right inventory management tools has a significant hit on the organization’s total cost of ownership. It is also a very difficult number to quantify. One tool that many have found a great boon to inventory management is the use of Excel spreadsheets. They help inventory planners get on top of inventory, its movement, storage, and transit. Using Excel reaps benefits and pays for itself time and again. Inventory management and control is all about knowing when to order, how much to order, and how to ensure inventory integrity. Excel supports all three of these efforts.
Date: 2020-12-14 Start Time: End Time:
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