Learn how to recognize customer diversity and provide excellent service and value to a diverse customer base.Minorities are the fastest growing consumer group in America. Minorites make up onethird of the population and will be over half by 2050. Multicultural Americans buy over 2 trillion in goods and services annually. Businesses will need to invest time and resources over the next decade to ensure that they will be significant players in this changing customer base.In the business arena in today’s world, boarders and boundaries are only relevant for geographical interpretations. Customer service staff are increasingly dealing with many diverse individuals from all walks of life. Whether the customer is racially, sexually or culturally different from the customer service staff, they need to be prepared and adept at helping any and all individuals seeking products and services offered by companies.Understanding how to deal with a diverse customer base facilitates the efforts to increase revenue expand the client base, improve the corporate culture and the corporate brand. When customer service representatives acknowledge and respect diversity, they have a greater opportunity to attract and retain diverse customers, build a better rapport with them and increase customer satisfaction. This material will explore ways to foster respect, remove preconceived notions, be attentive and compassionate when managing the concerns of a diverse customer base.
Date: 2020-12-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives