Get a back stage view of the inner workings of how local governments borrow funds and the types of lending available.
When I tell people I am a bond lawyer, people generally assume that I work in the criminal justice system. Not exactly, I don’t help people get out of jail, I help governments build jails to house inmates I find many litigators and personal injury lawyers distasteful, just like everyone else. I practice Kumbaya law, my goal is to bring lots of different moving pieces together to acquire capital items for public entities. Or, as my wife more succinctly tells people, he helps cities buy firetrucks. The goal of this topic is to explain how local government entities legally borrow money. We will explore origins of public finance, the evolving concept of public purpose, limitations on governmental security and how loans or bonds get issued, delivered and repaid. We will also explore the real funding challenges faced by local government and the need to constantly evolve in order to maintain, develop, and construct capital facilities.
Date: 2019-08-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives