Learn the needed skills to recruit, retain, and discover new employees.The COVID19 pandemic of 2020 through 2022 created organizational disarray from the smallest to the largest organization. Instigated by increased infections and political orders, both American and global firms reorganized as remote organizations canceling office leases while others not only lost employees but had much difficulty filling frontline and managerial roles. The ‘Great Resignation’ created a glut of job openings with little basis to help fill open roles. The issue is how leaders continue to create an inspiring, innovative, and collaborative culture while ensuring current employees are productive and motivated. Further, leaders are learning how to discover, acquire, train, and retain needed talent. If your organization suffers from a ‘pandemic pause’ and needs skills and ideas to recruit, retain, and discover new employees, then this innovative session is just for you and your firm.
Date: 2022-02-04 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives