Learn how to bridge the gap between millennials and millennialminded older colleagues to create intergenerational cohesion in any team.By 2025, millennials (the generation born between 1980 and 2000) will make up 75 of the world’s working population. While it is important not to generalize too much, millennials as a whole do possess characteristics and motivations that differ significantly from earlier generations in regards to the workplace. They have developed work characteristics and tendencies from doting parents, structured lives, contact with diverse people, and a barrage of technological advancements not experienced by older generations. To get the best from millennial employees, managers must understand these characteristics, and adapt their management style accordingly. This material will give you tools and strategies to help your company get ready to work with these young people whose values differ from their generational predecessors. In order to maintain employee retention and productivity and improve company services, businesses must understand the importance of the millennial generation in the workplace.
Date: 2022-02-21 Start Time: End Time:
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