Stay compliant with federal laws and make sure you’re compensating travel pay correctly.Many companies do not understand how to compensate an employee correctly for time spent traveling to destinations other than a regular work site. Many companies send employees to conferences and other work sites using commercial travel and personal vehicles. This material will help you understand how and when to compensate an employee for travel time away from a worksite. You will find out how to determine which employees are entitled to travel time pay and at what rate. With air travel being as busy as it is today, it is very important that you understand how to compensate employees when they are delayed as a result of flight cancellations. This important topic will show how critical it is to communicate the rate of pay, the requirements of travel, and the travel tracking necessary to compensate the employee properly. Also, learn about typical problems that arise with travel and other FLSA issues, such as meals during travel. The focus of this course is on federal law rather than individual state law.
Date: 2022-07-20 Start Time: End Time:
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