Understand the legal landscape surrounding the Employment Verification process.The process of employment eligibility verification through From I9 is a universal requirement applicable to employees at all organizational levels, ranging from entrylevel positions to the highest echelons of seniority. At the same time, because of its widespread use, it also carries a large amount of potentially unrecognized liability for a company should proper procedures not be followed. The twopage form hides an impressive amount of complexity, and even the most minor of errors, if widespread or systemic, can result in immense fines and potential criminal liability. This topic will help the persons responsible for employment verification, compliance, and the formulation of company policy and procedure to properly navigate the I9 Employment Eligibility Verification process. This program will also assist attendees in identifying problem areas in company procedures, correcting errors and mitigating future consequences for a company, and understanding and navigating enforcement proceedings. Improper I9 systems and procedures can and do lead to hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars imposed on companies in finesthose too lax are exposed to liability from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and those too strict are exposed to liability through the Department of Labor’s Immigrant and Employee Rights section. This topic is critical for employers to understand the legal landscape surrounding the Employment Verification process and to ensure proper procedures and processes are in place to meet their legal obligations.
Date: 2023-09-19 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives