Understand the system in which you are working and potential opportunities for your company.Immigration law has been likened by federal courts to King Minos’s labyrinth in ancient Crete. The law is multifaceted, ever evolving, and can be intimidating for those not familiar with the system. Between the alphabet soup of potential visa categories, dealing with backlogs in the immigration system, and adhering to strict compliance requirements, the immigration system may seem daunting to say the least. This presentation will help the participants understand the system in which they are working and potential opportunities for their company. The presentation will discuss common immigrant and nonimmigrant working statuses, explain the process for sponsoring an employee for a temporary work status or for permanent residency, and offer guidance on employer compliance, including in the I9 context, in order to minimize liability for companies large and small.
Date: 2024-06-18 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives