Understand how the updates to the ACSE 716 Wind Load Provisions affect your building design.Learn the significant revisions made in the transition from ASCE 710 to ASCE 716 as it concerns determining wind loads on buildings and structures, including additional resources and data that are available for use in performing these analyses. This includes a discussion on ASCE’s inclusion of a new section on attached canopies and nonbuilding structures covering circular bins, silos, tanks and rooftop solar panels.
Date: 2020-04-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives
New Seismic Maps Reflecting the Updated National Seismic Hazard Maps
New Wind Speed Maps
• New Hawaii Maps That Resulted in Reduced Wind Speed for Much of the United States
• Clarified Special Wind Study Zones
• Separate Risk Category IV From Category III
New Snow Load Maps Incorporating Regional Snow Data for Areas That Previously Required Site-Specific Case Study Zones
Updated Rain Duration Provisions That Align Design Requirements With International Plumbing Code Provisions for Drainage
Entirely New Chapter Covering Tsunami Design Provisions, Which Are Important to Alaska, Hawaii, California, Oregon and Washington
New Appendix Provisions for Fire Design
Michael Acosta-Resolution Management Consultants, Inc., James F. Gallagher, P.E., F.ASCE – Resolution Management Consultants, Inc.