Ed Robinson transforms individuals into Professionals, Managers into Leaders and Leaders into Rainmakers. A Certified Speaking Professional and former CPA, Ed is the the author of four books and recognized expert in Practice Growth. His energetic, engaging and entertaining style is only one reason why Ed’s strategies improve per- formance helping individuals manage change and increase revenue regardless of economic obstacles and challenges.
With a 40+% return engagement rate over his 30+ year speaking career, Ed has facilitated in more than 30 countries addressing organizations to in- clude: KPMG, Wells Fargo, American Airlines, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, HUD, Institute of In- ternal Auditors, MetLife, Merrill Lynch, Zurich Financial, Clear Channel/Time Warner, the US Postal Service, Deloitte, Environmental Protec- tion Agency and NCR Corporation.
“Ed is one of the finest motivational speakers I’ve heard. He uses life experiences to sink ideas into others’ minds. His content is not just conceptual; it’s completely applicable.
He’s very professional and accessible, willing to listen to his audience and help develop them, working through their issues. I always walk away with new ideas to improve myself and others.” – Cindy Gabriel, Deloitte
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