Learn how to identify employee burnout as well as a multifaceted approach to create a burnout resistant workforce.
Many managers, leaders and human resource professionals fail to understand employee burnout, how it arises and how to address it at the individual and organizational level. Ignoring employee burnout can lead to increased employee turnover, reduced productivity, unexpected mistakes and lost innovation and growth opportunities.
This topic helps those responsible for employee performance, from supervisors and team leaders to presidents and human resource professionals understand how employee burnout is a business issue in need of being addressed at the individual and organizational levels. Relying solely on employee assistance programs is a common mistake organizations make in addressing employee burnout. Instead, a multifaceted approach is required to create a burnout resistant workforce that can weather the most volatile and uncertain of work conditions. This topic is critical for employers interested in getting the best from their employees.
Date: 2020-07-08 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:00 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to identify employee burnout and assess the appropriate tactics for addressing individual or team burnout.
* You will be able to discuss burnout with your employees and help them overcome it.
* You will be able to explain the business case for creating a burnout resilient culture.
* You will be able to assess the gaps in your workplace that is leaving employees subject to burnout.