AIA A105-2017


SKU: 409368


Understand how to fill out and amend the A105, and how the A105 compares, contrasts, and interacts with other various AIA Documents.
The AIA Form agreements comprise well over 100 different forms. After attending the presentation, you will be able to identify the appropriate ownercontractor form to use. Specifically, you will have a clear understanding of the A105 short form agreement including its terms, as well as its limitations and potential pitfalls. Lastly, you will have an understanding of what terms may need to be modified or added, depending on the nature of the project.

Date: 2025-01-24 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to describe the different type of AIA form agreements.

* You will be able to review an A105 Agreement and understand its terms.

* You will be able to identify when to use the A105 agreement and the modifications that may need to be made to the form agreement.

* You will be able to recognize the issues inherent in ownercontractor agreements.

Overview of AIA Form Agreements
• AIA Owner – Contractor Agreements
• AIA Owner – Architect Agreements
• Other AIA Form Agreements
• Other Forms of Agreement

Review of the A105 Short Form

Owner – Contractor Agreement
• Use for Small Commercial and Residential Projects
• Review Terms of the A105
• Discuss Limitations and Drawbacks of the A105

Customizing the A105 for Different Projects
• Home Improvement Contracts
• Scope of Work
• Schedule
• Applications for Payment/Use of Monies
• Retainage
• Changes in the Work
• Indemnity
• Insurance
• Termination
• Dispute Resolution
• Lien Waivers / Project Close-out
• Guaranty / Correction of Work


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Charles R. (Chip) Pierce, Jr., Esq.-Rosenberg & Estis, P.C.