Better understand account reporting under FATCA and CRS, as well as, the differences between the two.Many countries have introduced financial reporting obligations over the past few years in an effort to help combat tax evasion. While these obligations have affected almost everyone that holds a financial account to some degree, these regulations have had an enormous impact on the financial institutions (for example, banks and investment funds) with direct reporting obligations under these regimes. In many instances, neither account holders nor clientfacing employees of these financial institutions have a strong understanding of the obligations these regimes impose, which can lead to confusion and wasted time for all parties involved. This topic is designed to provide an overview of financial account reporting requirements under FATCA and the CRS, which are two main information reporting regimes in the world. Gain a better understanding of what these regimes are looking for and the documentation account holders will generally be required to provide, as well as the information financial institutions that maintain the accounts are generally required to submit to the tax authorities in the jurisdiction in which they operate. This information is particularly focused on obligations of financial institutions located outside of the U.S., however it also likely relevant for any U.S. person with international business operations or anyone else holding accounts outside of the U.S.
Date: 2020-06-18 Start Time: End Time:
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