High pressure situations are unavoidable learn how to effectively handle them.This topic will help you work within boundaries and maintain selfcontrol during trying times. Whether searching for a job or already having one poise, demeanor, reliability, and language choice all play a part in the important role that each of us play in corporate development. Learn how to maintain with anger management and realistic caring, and learn how to manage the people around you in a way that benefits both you and the company. Your ability to take control is there but the road is a hard one. Let this information help you to respectfully appreciate the personalities around you, but to manage yourself, and direct others, as a leader, whether you are a CEO or a new hire. It is time for you to make your mark on the business world and in today’s business world, a control over both behavior and language, with increased listening and problem solving skills, will make you valuable in any operation. From an educational perspective, this topic aligns with multiple state and national assessments pursued within higher education, adult and distance learning programs for retrenching and retraining, and multiple workforce reentry skill sets expected by employment agencies nationwide. Make no mistake language is power, especially in difficult times. This content will help you to harness your leadership strength.
Date: 2020-05-15 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives