Understand the factors that will enable you to successfully deploy MRO leading practices.MRO is essential to maintaining effective operations and can represent a sizeable portion of the annual budget but is often considered less important and relies on local facility leadership for support. Many organizations also do not understand why MRO management includes upstream activities such as strategy development because focus is mainly on cost as a result, while many MRO initiatives deliver shortterm results, benefits are often not sustained. This topic helps people participating in MRO decisions to first understand the endtoend MRO inventory value stream. For many companies, MRO decisions are made in a silo, so it is also important to know who else potentially may need to be involved. The material then conducts a deep dive on each part of the value stream so stakeholders can decide what couldshould be implemented. As can be expected with any business transformation requiring change management, some of the leading practices will take longer to implement a common error is companies do not place the proper expectations on the timing and complexity involved, so we will also talk about key success factors to implementing leading practices.
Date: 2020-07-22 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives