Best Practices for Managing Jury Emotion


SKU: 410222


Understanding how to manage juror emotions can have a significant impact on the outcome of case.
Law school teaches you the rules of engagement as it relates to litigation trial practice. But for any lawyer who has been in a courtroom as the jury walks in, you know that the formal legal side of your case and the other sides case can disappear immediately. Now, youre trying to convince twelve people youre right, and they dont care about the details that you thought were important. Despite extensive preparation, you sit down at counsel table feeling like you prepared for a technical battle when youre in a battle of emotions.
This presentation will help trial lawyers think about the role of emotion in a jury trial separately from the case youve been litigating for years. What aspects of your case could be assisted by some emotional appeal to the jury? What aspects of the other sides case will tug at the jurys heartstrings, and how can you minimize that emotional affect?

Date: 2023-01-17 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

Pretrial: What Do We Think Are Going to Be the Emotional Aspects of Our Case?
• Emotional Versus Rational; Legal
• How Do We Prepare to Bring That Home? Pictures, Stories, Videos
• What Parts of Your Case Are Unemotional?
• How Do You Picture Those Two Sides Co-Existing?
• If You Have the Facts, Pound the Facts; If You Have the Law, Pound the Law

Emotions on the Other Side
• What’s the Worst ‘Emotion’ Case You’ve Been on the Wrong Side of?
• What Strategies Do You Have to Try to Get in Front of a Case That Has a Lot of Curb Appeal?
• Discussion: What Are the Most Compelling Strategies You’Ve Seen by a Lawyer to Defend a Case With Strong Emotional Appeal?

In Trial
• Pretrial Procedure Is Legal; Trials Are Emotional Creatures
• Stories – What Teachable Moments Have We Observed in Arguments or Trials?

Aftermath: Juror Discussion
• Talking to Jurors, They Usually Appreciate the Emotion of a Case More Than We Expect
• What Have We Learned After a Trial?

Examples of Different Kinds of Emotions That Can Come up in a Trial
• Sadness (Someone Injured or Dead; Family Situations)
• Humor (What’s the Role of Humor in a Trial?)
• Anger
• Others?

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Justin F. Wallace-Wallace Law