Learn a strategic approach to attain positive labor relations while working with a union.Many employers feel that their hands are tied because of the fact that their workers are represented by a union. They do not understand the rights management has, or can have, under the very same collective bargaining agreement that provides rights to the employees. This topic will help employers understand the steps they can take at the bargaining table to make sure that they are able to effectively and efficiently manage their workforce. We will address the daytoday issues that employers face when managing a union workforce, including conducting effective investigations that will hold up in the grievance and arbitration process. This information is critical for employers so they can ensure that they are taking all of the appropriate steps to manage their union workforce effectively. We will also address anticipated changes andor adjustments in managing union employees under the Biden Administration and how to plan accordingly.
Date: 2021-07-16 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives