Receive guidance on the legal and practical implications of establishing an internship program in your organization.Employers that fail to follow the requirements to ensure an intern is properly treated as an unpaid intern rather than an employee who is entitled to minimum wages and overtime can face costly wage and hour litigation. This course will help you develop a lawful unpaid internship program. We will discuss the sevenfactor primary beneficiary test that has been adopted by the United States Department of Labor when analyzing unpaid internships under the Fair Labor Standards Act. We will also discuss other employment laws that employers should consider when structuring their internship programs. This course will prepare the you to administer an internship program by providing key considerations for all stages of the internship process, such as recruiting interns, drafting internship offer letters, managing and assigning appropriate work to interns, and postinternship considerations.
Date: 2022-07-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives