Understand the limits of your land survey and better perform the service your client needs.Your telephone rings, you receive an email andor a potential client drops by your office. They want you to perform a survey of their property, when can you come to the property and how much will it cost? You ask for the location of the property and their contact information. You thank them for giving you this opportunity to perform their land surveying services and began preparing a cost estimate for your land surveying services. Land owners, realtors, even attorneys typically do not understand what the professional land surveyor’s services are. How land surveys are performed and what the land survey deliverables are. Will you be helping your client or making their situation worse. Realtors typically resist having land surveys performed because they may cause delays in closing the purchase and sale of the property. Land owners, attorneys and some land surveyors typically think a land survey is all about putting corners in the ground. They do not see the land surveyor as a professional service, a tool, in the management of their property. We will discuss the ins and outs of asking the client Why do you need the survey?
Date: 2019-06-18 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives