There is no question that the role of Human Resources personnel is a difficult and demanding position that must have poise, balance, selfdiscipline, organization and outstanding writing skills.Human Resources is an admirable field of expertise that finds itself sandwiched between federal laws pertaining to hiring interpersonal laws that place HR in the difficult position of having to deny candidates a job position, and conflicting roles between these federal regulations and interpersonal communication goals, and the hiring policies of the very company that HR personnel represents. This triangulation of conflict can only be reduced through effective, honest, and deliberately quick responses to all end users external federal policy, external candidate expectations, and internal corporate expectations. This topic will deliver techniques that a human resource professional can use to minimize stress between conflicting policies, satisfy potential candidate expectations, and demonstrate their skill as the frontline representative of a company, thereby increasing hiring success likelihood, producing external candidate loyalty, and meeting both federal and internal corporate policies.
Date: 2020-01-24 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives