Understand the applicability of the new regulations and navigate them to maintain compliance.California’s regulation of charities, and by extension, the fundraisers who assist them, generate billions of dollars each year to carry out their exempt purposes and is among the most robust and complex in the nation. In October of 2021, California Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 488, expanding the Supervision of Trustees and Fundraisers for Charitable Purposes Act by establishing a new statutory framework to regulate online charitable fundraising platforms. The new law establishes expanded registration and reporting requirements that require certain key donor disclosures, enacts various requirements to safeguard charitable donations received on the internet, and will likely provide a framework for increased charitable regulation of these platforms nationwide.This course will help practitioners and advisors understand the applicability of the new regulations to their businesses or clients and how to navigate the eventual regulations to maintain compliance. Failing to comply with the new regulations promulgated by the California Attorney General over the next year could lead to substantial scrutiny of companies raising charitable funds over the internet and an assessment of fines. This course is critical for nonprofit leaders and businesses with any online charitable fundraising activity to help them understand how best to ensure compliance with the California Attorney General.
Date: 2022-03-09 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives