Gain an understanding of the current California leaves available for a variety of situations and how best to apply them.Many California employers are required to provide a variety of leave options for employees. Understanding and applying a variety of federal and state leaves during the COVID19 pandemic has been a minefield for businesses. Often these leaves can overlap, supersede, or have a hierarchy that is complex and unforgiving if applied incorrectly. A lack of proper leave knowledge can lead to retaliation or discrimination claims as well as unpaid wages or benefits claims. This topic will help you understand, appreciate, and apply the current California leaves available in a variety of situations, from COVID19 exposures or illness to the usual leave requests related to health or family needs. This material will provide indepth explanations and examples for California employers. This information will take you through reallife scenarios and situations occurring right now and answer critical questions as well.
Date: 2021-05-24 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives