Take the mystery out of the processes surrounding payroll filing and 1099 reporting in California.Payroll issues can be confusing for anyone in business, from the president, company officers, owners, and those in positions of overseeing the many aspects of payroll and 1099 reporting inside the daytoday working and those who assist businesses with this tricky and complicated topic. Adding to that, recent government programs offer assistance in the form of Payroll Protection Loans, making reporting more troublesome. Who qualifies for the employee retention credit? How can all the aspects be kept straight and avoid the potential pitfall of missed deadlines and penalties? This topic will take some of the mystery out of the processes surrounding payroll filing and 1099 reporting, as well as the items needed to keep things tracked, organized, and timely filed. The material explains forms and items that are required submissions to the government and offers explanations and examples of employees versus independent contractors. How to determine when reporting for independent contractors is not only necessary but required.
Date: 2021-06-10 Start Time: End Time:
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