Ensure you are compliant with Californias prevailing wage law.
Any California contractor performing public works must have a solid understanding of prevailing wage. Many contractors do not completely understand how to locate and calculate proper prevailing wage rate or what a contractor must do to meet apprenticeship requirements. Predetermined wage increases, how to apply employer payments, and certified payroll requirements are tricky. Failure to comply with the requirements can result in significant liability for contractors and their payment bond sureties. This presentation will help contractors, subcontractors, and sureties better understand how to determine whether a project is covered by prevailing wage, the proper wage rate, and how to comply with apprenticeship requirements. The presentation also explains the liability that can arise for a contractor that does not properly pay its workers for prevailing wage work and how to limit that liability. The topic covers recent updates in prevailing wage law, including skilled and trained workforce requirements and the impact of recent California Supreme Court decisions relating to the coverage and expansion of prevailing wage in California.
Date: 2023-07-20 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define public works.
* You will be able to explain apprenticeship requirements.
* You will be able to identify the proper prevailing wage determination.
* You will be able to recognize violations of prevailing wage law.