Learn how to identify the issues that will help you evaluate, navigate, and memorialize lease termination transactions and minimize the risk. When either a landlord or tenant approaches you, as either its outside or inhouse attorney, to represent it in connection with the termination of a lease, there are a number of legal and business issues you should evaluate and consider to allow you to both assess the parties’ respective rights, obligations and determine how best to memorialize their agreements, to the benefit of the party you are representing. The facts of why a lease termination is being sought is generally at the forefront of any initial analysis, whether it is for convenience, is the implementation of lease rights, is due to one party’s need that the other party cannot fulfill or represents a workout, short of court proceedings. Lease terminations are most commonly sought by a tenant who can no longer utilize its leased premises, for a number of reasons. Conversely, there are instances in which landlord requires a space for the expansion of a larger tenant or some other strategic reason, including extensive remodeling or demolition of the building (or to get rid of a problem tenant). These motivating factors will be discussed, as will the issues that arise from each of them. Although terminating a lease does not involve the negotiation of a document as long and complex as the lease itself, it can present its own complexities and issues that require careful consideration and attention (some of which are not that obvious and may require protracted negotiations). What I intend to convey in my presentation is how to identify the issues that will help you evaluate, navigate and memorialize these transactions and minimize the risk to your clients or companies. Like all transactions, there are pitfalls and unintended consequences that should be analyzed, so that what seems to be a fairly simple transaction does not end up having any unforeseen effect on your client (which could have been dealt with or at least conveyed as an issue to your client before execution and implementation). This will also minimize the risk of your client later asking you why you didn’t consider or warn it about an issue that later arises.
Date: 2024-08-14 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives