Understand the contents of the contract and better allocate risks and negotiate for more profitable outcome.
This program will closely examine the anatomy of a typical construction contract, providing useful information for owners, construction professionals, contractors, and subcontractors. By understanding the contents of the contract, parties could better allocate their risks and negotiate for more profitable outcomes. This topic will start by examining the roles of project participants and the drafting of material terms, such as price, time of performance and scope of work. In addition to these standard terms, attendees will learn about key riskshifting provisions that populate most construction contracts in both the residential and commercial contexts. Among the clauses that will be covered are insurance, indemnification, force majeure, payifpaid, paywhenpaid, differing site conditions, and dispute resolution. In sum, if you build, negotiate, or fund construction projects, then you dont want to miss this comprehensive seminar on the construction contracting process.
Date: 2024-06-03 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to review the components of a construction contract.
* You will be able to identify the roles of project participants.
* You will be able to explain key risk shifting provisions.
* You will be able to discuss differing site conditions.