Stay up to date on the current status of the consumer lending industry.This program will provide the current status of consumer credit law, including recent developments in case, statutory, and regulatory law. Numerous statutory changes have occurred in the last couple of years that all in this industry should be aware of and abide by.
Date: 2023-12-12 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives
Truth in Lending
High-Rate Home Equity Loan Protections
The Consumer Leasing Act and Automobile Leases
Unfair and Deceptive Credit Practices
Credit Discrimination
The Cost of Credit
Rent-To-Own Transactions
Fair Debt Collection
Garnishment and Exemptions
Foreclosure Defense
Liability of Assignees and Related Creditors; the FTC Holder Rule
Credit Cards
Fair Credit Reporting
Mark D. Belongia-Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP