Gain tips on ways to protect everyone at the worksite and mitigate liability.
The U.S. Department of Labors definition of an independent contractor has been in a state of flux between the ObamaTrumpBiden administrations. This can create confusion about the classification of workers and the responsibilities the host employer has under the Occupational Safety Health Act, the Mine Safety Health Act, and implementing policies. Both agencies provide for situations where an employer can be dually cited, along with staffing agencies or contractors, with penalties of up to 145,000 (OSHA) or 291,000 (MSHA) per violation. Injuries impacting thirdparty workerstemps, independent contractors, and day laborerscan also trigger tort liability against the host employer or general contractor in the millions of dollars. This session will provide the most current guidance from OSHAMSHA on their independent contractor protection initiatives and enforcement programs. This course will offer tips on ways to protect everyone at the worksite, coordinate safety programs, improve safety culture, manage compliance, and mitigate liability.
Date: 2022-09-27 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define OSHAs MultiEmployer policy and which employers fall into multiple categories.
* You will be able to describe how OSHA expects injuriesillnesses involving contractors and temporary workers to be reported and recorded accurately.
* You will be able to discuss how training of thirdparty contractors must be conducted, documented, and evaluated.
* You will be able to explain why OSHA citations can impact thirdparty tort injury and wrongful death cases, as well as breach of contract actions.