Gain an understanding on current market conditions and MA outlook, decision points in assessing acquisitions, and accounting and due diligence issues.While both the current and longterm statuses of the U.S. and global economy are in flux due to the COVID19 pandemic, companies will still be seeking growth opportunities as they adapt to new ways of doing business. These growth opportunities may come in the form of expansion into new products andor geographic markets via organic growth, but mergers and acquisitions will also likely continue to be part of the growth strategy. The risks inherent in these acquisitions will likely be more difficult to assess, and the due diligence process will be critical. This material explores the current market conditions and MA outlook, critical decision points in assessing strategic acquisitions, the relevant accounting and due diligence issues, and the relevant tax issues and structuring options that need to be considered and evaluated both during the due diligence process, as well as after closing.
Date: 2021-03-19 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives