Gain a better understanding of legalities nonprofits face regarding copyright issues and risk of infringement for using copyrighted materials.All companies, including nonprofits, are subject to copyright protections afforded to authors of expressive works. Indeed, the law begs many questions that a nonprofit must regularly consider in its daytoday activities Do you own the rights in the materials created for you and your marketing materials (including your website)? Are you using materials of third parties? Do you need permissions to do so, or is such use fair use under the copyright law?This topic will explain the types of intellectual property you likely deal with as a nonprofit, specifically focusing on copyright issues to make sure the company owns the rights it intends to own and that it is using materials properly including recognizing when permission is required to use thirdparty materials and the risks associated with use of such materials.
Date: 2021-03-11 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives