Understand potential penalties for different HIPAA violations and how to prevent criminal liability.As amended by the HiTRUST Act, HIPAA now imposes criminal sanctions on any individual, regardless of whether or not employed by a health care provider, health plan, or health care clearinghouse (or any of their business associates). Not only does the federal Department of Justice have authority to pursue criminal prosecutions under HIPAA, but each and every state attorney general may pursue civil remedies. By understanding the risks that lead to criminal prosecutions, health care organizations can take preventive and detective steps to minimize these risks and better protect their business reputations. Historic enforcement actions offer key insights into the regulatory mindset, and the remediation contained in them can be used as a roadmap for testing the effectiveness of your own safeguards, controls, and early warning systems.
Date: 2024-12-13 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives