Examine the causes of stress, differentiate between good stress and bad stress, and explore healthy coping mechanisms.
Accounting professionals are subject to a myriad of stressors tight deadlines, demanding clients, a complex and everchanging regulatory environment, office politics, high levels of responsibility, financial pressures, long hours, and new technology. However, not all stress is unhealthy. Stress can help us focus, prioritize our activities, and can be a growth opportunity, if managed appropriately. Regardless of our stressors, we can all benefit from healthy coping mechanisms, such that stressors strengthen, rather than weaken us.
This program is designed to examine the causes of stress, differentiate between good stress and bad stress, explore healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, and discuss the concepts of resilience, mental toughness, and GRIT. This webinar will also provide accountants and other highperforming business professionals with tools and tangible action items used by other high achievers such as elite athletes and military special operations personnel to manage the demands of their jobs. Challenges to mental health existed prior to COVID, but the isolation, uncertainty, and forced rapid change brought on by the pandemic has increased stress levels, but also brought more awareness to the causes of stress, and healthy coping mechanisms. This course is designed for professions who want to optimize their mental state to perform at high levels in their jobs, careers, and life.
Date: 2024-07-10 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to define resilience and mental toughness.
* You will be able to describe the key areas of life in which we seek health.
* You will be able to explain healthy coping mechanisms to stress.
* You will be able to recognize signs of stress and imbalance and develop healthy coping mechanisms to increase performance.