Director and Officer Liability (OnDemand Webinar)


SKU: 411399EAU


Understand the standards of liability for directors and officers and key protections that are available to them.Mismanagement of a corporation by directors and officers can have a devastating effect on the corporation and its shareholders, employees, and creditors. Attendees of this program will gain a thorough understanding of legal claims that can be asserted against directors and officers of corporate entities and strategies for both prosecuting and defending those claims. The speakers will explain the fiduciary duties that directors and officers owe to the corporation, the standards of liability of directors and officers and key defenses and protections that are available to directors and officers.

Date: 2024-06-21 Start Time: End Time:

Learning Objectives


Fiduciary Duty
• Duty of Care
• Duty of Loyalty

Indemnification and Insurance of Directors and Officers
• Indemnification
• Insurance Policies and Coverage Considerations

State Court Remedies Against Directors and Officers
• Personal Liability
• Liability for Unlawful Dividends and Other Distributions
• Preparing for Litigation

Bankruptcy Court Remedies Against Directors and Officers
• Role of the Trustee
• Trustee’s Causes of Action

CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,NALA ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

David A. Jones, Jr.-Bernstein-Burkley, P.C., John J. Richardson, Esq. – Bernstein-Burkley, P.C.