If you don’t know how to create an Excel Pivot Table you will by the end of this program.
Any Excel user who maintains database like data invariably needs tools to manage and analyze the data beyond mere sorting and filtering. Excel’s PivotTable feature gives you a quick and powerful way to create summary crosstotals combined with an enormous flexibility to restructure your results with simple dragging of fields. Whether you need the ability to create a quick look at the data for that important meeting or need more detailed analysis for a printed report, a PivotTable will meet your needs. This feature also lets you create a summary of data gathered from more than one worksheet. There’s a great visual companion feature as well, a pivot chart, that further enhances your presentation possibilities. To create good, quick summary information for analytical purposes, nothing beats a PivotTable. This topic will demonstrate the use of PivotTables in Excel version 2016 (with occasional references to the 2013 and 2010 versions).
Date: 2019-09-05 Start Time: End Time:
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