Discovering the Art and Science of Motivation


SKU: 410745


Learn methods to improve and maintain motivation.
Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. Zig Ziglar
This course will provide methods to develop awareness and purpose and infuse meaning into the work you do through the understanding of motivation. You will learn what moves and triggers us to stay engaged or unengaged. You will understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how to use them as needed. You will learn actionable steps to increase personal and professional motivation with individuals or teams.

Date: 2023-05-17 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to describe how motivation plays a part in all aspects of life and work.

* You will be able to discuss how to sustain motivation when times of resistance appear.

* You will be able to identify methods to improve motivation and understand how to maintain motivation.

* You will be able to review how to increase motivation and inspire it in others.

Is There an Art and/or Science Behind Motivation?
• What Does the Research Say?
• Testing the Theory of Art and Science Behind Motivation
• Conquering Resistance and Unwillingness

How to Take Actionable Steps to Stay Motivated
• Types of Motivation: Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic
• How to Sustain Motivation
• Respect the Gaps of Motivation

The Four Fundamental Drives Responsible for Motivation
• Acquire: The Need to Acquire Both Tangible and Non-Tangible Goods
• Bond: The Need to Connect Deeply With Other Individuals
• Comprehend: The Need to Understand How the World Operates Around Us, and Quench Our Curiosity and Develop Skill and Mastery
• Defend: The Need to Protect From Things That We Perceive as Threats

ASA ,HR Certification Institute ,SHRM ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Irma Vargas-V1H Consulting