Learn best practices in fleet management and how to limit distracted driving by employees.
Distracted driving and accident rates continue to escalate in the postCOVID environment, and this has an impact on and off the job for individuals and employers. This quick course will outline the key issues to be on every companys radar when it comes to being aware of and limiting distracted driving by employees and best practices to follow in fleet management, whether DOTregulated commercial vehicles and drivers or company cars operated by supervisors and sales personnel. The role of OSHA in addressing onthejob driving and accidents will also be covered.
Date: 2023-07-28 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 1:30 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to explain to employees the best practices for avoiding distracted driving on and off the job.
* You will be able to identify what driving incidents may be immediately reportable to OSHA.
* You will be able to describe how DOT requirements for commercial drivers apply to workplace vehicles and fleet management.
* You will be able to discuss the impact of drugalcohol test limitations on employer regulation of workers driving company vehicles.