Learn the proper way to conduct an internal investigation to ensure youre in compliance and not leaving anything out.
No matter how proactive we try to be in our organizations, things still happen that result in employee complaints. It could be a harassment or discrimination problem, a safety concern, complaints about bullying, or the ubiquitous favoritism complaint. This presentation will help those involved in a companys complaint process to choose the right investigator and avoid the common problems that arise during investigations. An investigations purpose is to reduce a companys liability around an incident. But failing to conduct the investigation properly can cause its own risk management problems. Attending this webinar will ensure that anyone who conducts investigations has the tools to avoid the major problems that can occur during an investigation and produce an end product that will assist the company should an agency or court become involved in the problem at some point in time.
Date: 2024-03-06 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET
Learning Objectives
* You will be able to describe what steps to take to avoid problems during an investigation.
* You will be able to discuss why confidentiality can cause legal risks.
* You will be able to explain why credibility determinations are key to a good investigation.
* You will be able to identify who is the correct person to perform an internal investigation.