Ensure your company has an effective records retention program in place that saves time and money.Legal and regulatory obligations require companies to understand the use of information from creation to disposal. This understanding is crucial to minimizing risk and necessary to comply with a myriad of regulatory obligations and state privacy laws, including the California Consumer Privacy Act. Defensible policies are achieved through a detailed understanding of a company’s business practices and the legal and regulatory environment specific to retention and disposal of information. The key component of a successful information governance strategy is the creation and maintenance of an effective document retention policy and retention schedule. But where to begin? This topic will provide attendees with invaluable strategies and practical howto advice to create a new information governance program, to revive an aging (largely ignored) policy and to make routine improvements in the future. The speaker will share practical advice from two decades of advising clients on information management and records retention to help attendees mitigate risks associated with document retention. He combines his legal knowledge, detailed understanding of technology and practical tips to make records retention easier to understand. You do not want to miss this presentation.
Date: 2024-03-26 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives