With the elimination of gender bias in the legal workplace, we can further empower our legal experts.Although men and women lawyers have been entering the legal profession in equal numbers for decades, the number of women partners at mid and largesize law firms continues to hover at approximately 20 percent with the number of successful women rainmakers far below that number. Faced with this depressing reality as well as what often appears to be an unavoidable choice between career success and family, talented women lawyers often opt out of large law firms at what should be the prime of their law firm careers. This course will help law firms and lawyers recognize hidden biases that serve as an obstacle to the advancement of women and establish policies and practices that aid women’s advancement as lawyers, rainmakers, and leaders, both inside and outside of the law firm. The material also discusses genderneutral methods for analyzing applications received and how this relates to the hiring and promotion process. Failing to have policies that aid the advancement of women lawyers not only deprives law firms of the valuable contributions of women lawyers in their leadership but may disqualify the firm from competing for work from certain corporate clients who are demanding that their lawyers be diverse. This information is critical for law firms who wish to provide genderneutral opportunities for career advancement.
Date: 2022-06-28 Start Time: End Time:
Learning Objectives