Employee Email Communication Liability: What You Can and Can’t Say


SKU: 408612


Protect yourself and your company from potentially harmful emails or text messages that may be read out of context later.
In this day and age of the internet, social media, fake news and litigation, what you say (or fail to recognize) in written private and public communications can come back to bite you andor your business. This presentation will help attendees to think first before hitting the send button on your electronic device and what should not be put on social media. The topic will also provide real life examples of poorbad communications and what impact they had. This program is important for compliance training for your business or profession.

Date: 2024-03-04 Start Time: 1:00 PM ET End Time: 2:05 PM ET

Learning Objectives

* You will be able to recognize digital communication risks, develop responsible online behavior strategies, and understand compliance trainings importance.

* You will be able to identify social media content pitfalls to avoid legal and reputational harm.

* You will be able to analyze reallife communication examples to understand impacts and learn from mistakes.

* You will be able to understand and appreciate compliance trainings relevance for ethical communication and risk management in business or profession.

What Are the Big No-Nos in Private Communications?

What You Shouldn’t Do on Social Media

Protecting Attorney-Client Communications

What Other Privileges Can Apply to Communications?

Defamation and Slander-Opinions

The Anti-Slapp Problem

How to Sink Your Case-Pizza Inn

How to Be Slapped?

Social Media and Employment Ramifications

Q and A

AIPB ,CLE (Please check the Detailed Credit Information page for states that have already been approved) ,CPE ,Additional credit may be available upon request. Contact Lorman at 866-352-9540 for further information.

Steven E. Clark-Clark Firm PLLC